Welcome to gmpsmith.com.

I’m dedicated to providing readers with articles regarding the very best insights and suggestions to those of us 50 years old and older, Articles will focus on travel, technology, lifestyle choices and adjustments which we all face as we age. Whether we face these changes individually, with family, friends, or we retire or continue to work, life will advance and it’s our choice on how we want to live and continue to have a purpose as we wake up each morning.

About me

Having had a business career in working for major corporations, startups and being a business owner, with over 40 years of experience in the travel, technology and the life-style industry, I realized as I aged that, I have more years of experience behind me than in front of me, yet my passion for living, sharing, learning and experiencing this World has increased more now than ever.

I’m thrilled that you have dropped by to visit my blog site. I hope by your visit it will help you discover and nurture your own old and new found passions as we together move forward in our daily lives.

The very best.
